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Module 1: Concepts and Components of Automation and Robotics Applications
Module 2: Touchless Switch
Module 3: The Lighthouse
Module 4: Automatic Sunshade System
Module 5: Rear View Mirror Adjustment System
Module 6: Adjusting the Rotation of a Solar Panel – The Sunflower Behavior
Module 7: Automated Monitoring System – Computerized Camera
Module 8: Automatic Door
Module 9: Self-Driving Car
Module 10: Park Assist
Module 11: Temperature based Fan Speed Controller Monitoring

Stage 3: The Circuit Connected to the Microcontroller will be Complemented with a LED and a Resistor Connected in Series, as well as with a Programming Code Employing the Flow Control Structure (if), so that the State of the LED will be Controlled by the State of the Digital Pin 7

Lesson Progress

Stage 3: The Circuit Connected to the Microcontroller will be Complemented with a LED and a Resistor Connected in Series, as well as with a Programming Code Employing the Flow Control Structure (if), so that the State of the LED will be Controlled by the State of the Digital Pin 7